North Texas Drupal Users Group - Sept Meetup

North Texas Drupal Users Group in action

Great meetup of the North Texas Drupal Users Group last night.  The new Addison Treehouse cowork / incubator space was good enough to host us.

First off Kyle Taylor showed off his efforts in integrating the (becoming standard) Bootstrap theme with the core Color module and LESS.  The lead Bootstrap maintainer, Mark Carver, is one of our members and was in house to answer deep Bootstrap questions.

Then Randall Knutson did a presentation on Static Drupal – Taking the Pain out of Drupal Hosting.  It's based on some work he's doing at Phase2, to improve the load times and security of Drupal sites. You can learn more from his blog post and download the Static module on

We're working on the what and where for the October meetup - stay tuned!